The ` Al Slade` Memorial Award is a tribute to a man and his love of music and those who created it - This award will ensure he will be long remembered for his warmth, passion and respect for the Industry and it`s fans. He and his beautiful wife Carol travelled the country all year long to capture the moments and highlights of every festival and event they could so it could be shared with the rest of the world. He was the ICMA official photographer and the Official Photographer for Country All Over .. But more than that he was a beautiful Friend and he will be sadly missed.
By Honouring him with this award we will ensure that his memory will long be remembered, now and forever.
The ` Al Slade` Memorial Award is a tribute to a man and his love of music and those who created it - This award will ensure he will be long remembered for his warmth, passion and respect for the Industry and it`s fans. He and his beautiful wife Carol travelled the country all year long to capture the moments and highlights of every festival and event they could so it could be shared with the rest of the world. He was the ICMA official photographer and the Official Photographer for Country All Over .. But more than that he was a beautiful Friend and he will be sadly missed.
By Honouring him with this award we will ensure that his memory will long be remembered, now and forever.
All Photography work is under Copyright
Please DO NOT COPY or USE these
without thier consent.